Cinderella tickets on sale now!

Tickets now on sale for St Faith’s Players production of ‘Cinderella’ at The Watermans Theatre. A glittering show full of fun and laughter, songs and dance suitable for the whole family.

Book now for the evenings of Wednesday 27 or Thursday 28 November at 7.30pm or for the Matinee on Saturday 30 at 2.30pm or evening performance at 7.30pm.

Ticket prices: £15.00 full price; £12.00 concessions; £10.00 Groups of 6 or more

Book BEFORE 31 October for an early bird discount of £12.00 per person

Macmillan Cancer Support Afternoon Tea – 21st September 3-5.30pm Holiday Inn Brentford

Come to the Macmillan Cancer Support Afternoon Tea at the Holiday Inn, Brentford on 21st September 3-5.30pm. This is the fifth year of this very popular community event and it will be lovely to see you there to enjoy a cuppa and some cake while you are being entertained by local groups and supporting a great charity…and …if you would like to decorate a cupcake for our competition and / or bring some cakes / biscuits etc that will be wonderful and do invite friends and neighbours too!

St Faith’s Players will be singing at this event, so please come ready to join in. It’s always great fun and enthusiasm is always more important that actually knowing the songs anyway! Hahaha!

We are also looking for people to help with this event. Please speak to Jennie Shaw or contact us through our Facebook page (St Faith’s Players) or here if you would like to offer your assistance. Thank you everyone!

Come and join us for Cinderella 2019!

We are starting rehearsals for our glittering pantomime Cinderella which will be performed at the Waterman’s Theatre in Brentford on 27th, 28th and 30th November. Why don’t you come and join us and you too can join in the fun either on or off the stage. Not only are we looking for people who want to be in the Chorus as villagers, spiders, palace guests etc. we also would love to encourage anyone who would like to help backstage. We always need extra help with make up, costumes, scenery painting and shifting, props and sound/lighting. No experience is necessary, so don’t be shy and come along. We welcome members aged from 5 years old. Annual membership is £30 adult/£15 child.

Rehearsals start on 8th September in the Mission Hall in Brentford (TW8 0SD) at 2pm and are every Sunday until show week at the end of November.

If you want further information please contact us or see our Facebook page (St Faith’s Players)

Musical Director wanted for Cinderella

St Faith’s Players next fabulous production of Cinderella will be at the Waterman’s in Brentford (27th, 28th & 30th November) but we still need a Musical Director to play the songs and take charge of all things musical for the rehearsals and the show itself. The rehearsals are mainly every Sunday afternoon at the Mission Hall in Brentford (TW8 0SD) and start on the 8th September. Nearer the show we might have to do the very occasional Wednesday evening, but are flexible about this if that’s not wholly convenient.

We would then require you for the whole of show week:

Costume run: SATURDAY 23rd November 2pm-6pm

1st rehearsal on stage: SUNDAY 24th 2pm – 6pm

Tech rehearsal: MONDAY 25th 7pm-10pm

Dress rehearsal: TUESDAY 26th 7pm-10pm

1st night performance: WEDNESDAY 27th 7pm-10pm

2nd night: THURSDAY 28th   7pm-10pm


Matinee and last performance: SATURDAY 30th November 2-5pm & 7pm-10pm

This is a paid role. If you are interested, please get in touch via our Facebook page (St Faith’s Players) or via this link. Thank you!

Cinderella casting call

This is a reminder that we are about to audition for cast members for this year’s glittering panto – Cinderella by Ben Crocker. The dates of the show will the 27th, 28th and 30th of November at the Waterman’s Theatre in Brentford. Please note: this year we are doing a show on the Wednesday night and not on the Friday night as we usually do.

You are welcome to come and read through the script with us on SUNDAY 23rd JUNE at 2.30pm at the Mission Hall (TW8 0SD)

AUDITIONS for main speaking roles are on the 30th June at 2.30pm also at the Mission Hall. Don’t worry if you have not auditioned before. It will just involve reading a character’s lines in front of Alan (the director) and probably Jennie (producer) – it’s not too scary, so please don’t be put off ?

List of characters: Fairy Godmother, Dandini, Prince Charming, Buttons, Baron Hardup, Dumpling (A pantomime horse), Lady Devilia Hardup, Cinderella, Snitch (Broker’s Man), Snatch (Broker’s Man), Cheryl (Ugly sister), Beryl (Ugly sister), Major Domo, Chorus of Villagers, Animals, Palace Guests, Henchmen, Spiders etc.

If you do not want a main speaking role, but to be in the chorus or help backstage, you do not need to audition but come to sign up on the 8th of September when rehearsals start (2.30pm Mission Hall). I will let you know more details of this nearer the time.

Please let me know if you are interested in taking part but can’t come to the auditions because we may be able to fit around you. We want to be able to audition all those who want to do it.

Please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested in joining us – everyone is welcome over the age of 5. Also remember we love to have people who want to help backstage as well!

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Penny – Chair of St Faith’s Players

Tickets now available for ‘Allo ‘Allo, 6 – 8th June

Excitingly, you can now buy tickets for our spring production of ‘Allo ‘Allo which we are performing in the Watermans theatre in Brentford. We’ve got a great cast and are rehearsing really hard so it’s going to be a brilliant and hilarious show – one definitely not to miss. Tickets are available via the Watermans website and are £12 – £15 (early bird tickets available from £10 and group tickets are also £10 for groups of 6 or more). Performances are in the evenings at 7.30pm and there is also a matinee on the Saturday at 2.30pm. Please come, and tell all your friends to come too!

“Listen very carefully, I shall only say this once…” Michelle and Rene
Michelle of the Resistance charming the Colonel and Captain Bertorelli