St Faith’s Players, Brentford’s local friendly drama group, started performing in St Faith’s Church Hall in 1977 with a concert to celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. Since then hundreds of people have taken to the boards, built sets, painted scenery and sewn costumes to keep the shows coming, with our annual pantomime particularly attracting a large local and loyal following.
Now in our 47th year, St. Faith’s Players continues to go from strength to strength and we are proud to draw from talent and enthusiasm from a real cross section of our local community. At the moment, we currently put on at least two productions each year, ranging from drama to comedy, thriller to Music Hall – all interspersed with a variety of social activities and fund raising events.
We always welcome new members (from the age of 5 upwards) and offer many different opportunities to get involved with our latest production or event. For example, if you don’t fancy acting, why don’t you help backstage? There are numerous opportunities to join in with make-up, costumes, scenery, lighting, sound, stage managing and props. No experience is necessary. We would love to hear from you if you want to get involved.
To find out more feel free to contact us